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Philadelphia Canoe Club

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You do not need to be a member to participate in PCC's activities!

Getting Acquainted

First, we ask people to get to know the Club, its activities and its members before submitting an application for membership.  Because active members get a key to the club it is important that we know each other and are all invested in this being an enjoyable, safe, and beautiful place for generations to come.   Paddling with us is the most important factor when we consider approval of membership applications.  If you do not own a boat and are planning to paddle with the club consider signing up for an annual paddler card. In addition to paddling there are many activities we encourage applicants to participate in while on the path to membership.  They are:

  • Meetings 
    Attend our regular monthly meetings.  This is a good way to meet people, hear about what's going on and socialize.  Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month (except January), 7:30 PM, in our Clubhouse, located at 4900 Ridge Avenue, in Philadelphia, behind the SEPTA Transfer Station at the Wissahickon Creek
  • Training Courses and Paddling Trips 
    Schedules of our training courses and trips, involving canoes and kayaks and standup paddleboards on flatwater and whitewater, appear on this web site. On-the-water training takes place in the spring and summer.  From November through March, we have indoor pool sessions for learning to roll a kayak. Your participation in events will depend on your skill level. Questions should be directed to the Event Coordinator in advance.
  • Work Days 
    PCC is responsible for the maintenance of our Clubhouse and Grounds.  Work days are scheduled in advance for cleaning, repairs, yard work, etc.  Participation by prospective members is recognized and appreciated.
  • Social Events and Non-Paddling Trips 
    Social events are held year-round.  Notice of these events are posted on our website and generally emailed to members and member candidates along with any camping, hiking and/or skiing trips organized by our Members.  These events are open to non-members. 

American Canoe Club (ACA) Membership ($40/year)

The ACA supports healthy waterways and paddle sports nationwide and it provides insurance for club events which would otherwise be $10 per person per event.

The Membership Process

Through your participation in a variety of PCC activities, you will get to know us and we will get to know you.  All forms of membership including candidate membership provide a 10% discount on formal instruction and training. Becoming a Member involves the following process. 

1. Ask three Members to endorse your membership.  One Member will be your Proposer and two members will be your Endorsers. All members know you need this and most are happy to help.  You will need to provide their names, phone numbers and email addresses on the application.

2. After you get to know us and we get to know you complete an application by going to the bottom of this page.  Enter your email address, check "I'm not a robot." and click"NEXT".   

3. Complete the application.  List your paddling experience and club activities in which you have participated.  The more activities in which you participate, the easier it will be to approve your application.

4.  Pay the $25 application fee.  

5.  Your application will then be reviewed by the Board of Directors at their meeting the first Monday of the month.  If approved by them, you will be introduced to the Membership at the next General Meeting.  You must be present at the General Meeting.

6.  After three to six months, you will be asked to complete a summary of activities you have done with the club during your candidacy time. Your application will then go before the Board of Directors again and your proposer or endorser will present your application for approval.

7.   If it is again approved, within the next three months, you will be presented to the Membership at the next General Meeting.  At this meeting, the attending Members will be asked to vote you into Membership.  Confirm with the Membership Chair which General Meeting you will attend. 

8.  If you are voted into Membership, you will be required to pay your prorated dues.  If all steps are completed, you will receive a key to the Clubhouse and access to the member section of the website including the Member Directory.

Membership Expectations:

Dues:  $180.00 per year (pro-rated based on date of election). 

Membership dues do not fully defray the costs of running the Club or maintaining the Building and Grounds.  Becoming and remaining a Member requires an active contribution to PCC.  This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Paddling:  This is our first priority.
  • Training:  Improve your skills.  Consider becoming a Certified Instructor.
  • Social Functions:  Participate.
  • Paddling Trips:  Participate in and/or organize trips (depending on your skill level).
  • Contribute:  Work days, special projects, Open House, Newsletter, Pool Sessions, Committees.
  • Board of Directors.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Boat Berth Rental:  Subject to availability.  Indoor $ 100./year  Outdoor $ 80. / year
  • Locker Rental:  Subject to availability.           $ 40. / year
  • Reduced Training, Trip and Event Fees.
  • Clubhouse Rental:  Available to Members Only.   $ 250. fee plus $ 100. refundable security deposit. (Members are welcome to spend time at the club with friends and family at no cost. However if your event is large enough that it could interfere with other members' use, then a rental is required.)
  • Additional Benefit:  As a Member of PCC, you are supporting a non-profit organization that keeps paddling going strong, helps protect the environment and gets people outdoors and active.

Candidate - $25.00 (USD) Subscription period: Unlimited

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Copyright 2016, Philadelphia Canoe Club
"Philadelphia Canoe Club" is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 4900 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128                                    

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